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Let CSA Packaging be a part of your re-shoring strategy!

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Over the last 40 plus years manufacturers and CPG’s have taken advantage of low wage rates, low ocean transit rates and a steady improvement in overseas production capabilities. The benefits to the consumer are legion, from flat screen TV’s that have become more and more affordable to drugs that can be produced for extremely low incremental costs to all types of consumer goods with high quality for low and steady prices. This has all come at a cost to the American worker and more importantly to the American manufacturing base.

While the human and societal costs have been well documented, the consumers in this country and the companies that sell the goods that those consumers want have become addicted to the supply chain as it evolved and became the entrenched way of producing and bringing goods to market. There was plenty of hand-wringing and concern for those well-paying jobs that have been lost, but how could anyone compete if they alone changed their supply and procurement chains? Then came the Great Supply Chain Meltdown.

Now is an inflection point that can allow producers to change the paradigm. No one should think this situation will last forever, however going back to the way we were does not seem like a wise decision. Many companies are looking at a hybrid model, some production and and sourcing domestic, and some remaining overseas. 70/30 seems to be the most prevalent view with 70% remaining overseas. But even 30% of work coming back to the US will be a huge boon for workers and the communities in which they live.

There is evidence that the change has already begun. Consider these examples:

  • Toyota announced plans to invest $3.4 billion in automotive battery production through the year 2030, with specific plans to develop and localize automotive battery production. Central to this goal is a planned partnership with Toyota Tsusho to build an automotive battery plant in the United States.

  • Lockheed Martin continues to expand its footprint in Alabama, with the announcement of a new advanced production facility in Courtland. The new, 65,000 square-foot plant will focus on hypersonic strike production, working closely with the Department of Defense.

  • In October, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy celebrated the establishment of the first offshore wind turbine blade manufacturing facility in the U.S. A major, $200 million investment.

  • In October textile company Darn Tough Vermont announced plans to expand to the Nantanna Mills, a 66,000 square foot facility in Northfield, Vermont.

These are just a few examples. This is good for America, good for the Supply Chain and good for the workers and consumers that will benefit.

We should all celebrate the Great Re-Shoring and the benefits that it has already brought the manufacturing sector and all those connected to it. CSA Packaging stands at the ready to help connect the links of your chain and proudly say Made in the USA!


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